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Historic chicks: These juvenile piping plovers, offspring of Monty and Rose, were Chicago’s first in more than 60 years. Photo by Tamima Itani. |
(published 1-6-20)
Welcome to my annual review of the top news of a feather.
The 2019 birding year wasn’t boring, that’s for sure. Birds drew the national
spotlight; drama and ornithological history played out on a Chicago beach; and a series of rare
sightings sent local birders scrambling for their binoculars, scopes and car
Like a dark cloud, one story overshadowed all the others. In
September, the journal Science
revealed that breeding bird populations in the U.S. and Canada are tanking—down
29 percent since 1970. About 3 billion fewer birds are in the air than 50 years
ago. Researchers at seven institutions, including the Cornell Lab of
Ornithology, co-authored the study.
Birders have long known that certain species are in decline,
some clearly inching toward extinction. But the magnitude of loss caught even
the experts off guard, as did the news that so-called “common” birds like blue
jays and red-winged blackbirds are suffering, too.
Mainstream media jumped on it, owing that birds are an
indicator of overall ecosystem health. “The mass disappearance of North
American birds is a dire warning about the planet’s well-being,” said the New York Times.
Study details, including reasons for the decline and “7
Simple Actions to Help Birds,” are online at 3billionbirds.org.
Birds are resilient creatures, one of the reasons my glass
remains half full. In fact, waterfowl and raptor populations are increasing
thanks to effective conservation efforts.
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The female piping plover parent, Rose, on Montrose Beach. Photo by Tamima Itani. |
Some 190 volunteers from the birding community devoted more
than 1,200 hours to the Piping Plover Watch, monitoring and protecting the federally
endangered birds for two months on the busy beach. Their extraordinary efforts
were rewarded by the birth and successful fledging of two piping plover chicks.
The siblings began their southern migration in late August.
Governor J. B. Pritzker declared November 18 to be Piping Plover
Day, coinciding with the debut of “Monty and Rose,” a film directed by Bob
Dolgan. The first showing, at the Music Box Theater, sold out, as did subsequent
screenings at other Chicago venues. Watch for viewing opportunities in the
western suburbs soon.
Ironically, the inspiring Montrose plover story played out during
a year in which the Endangered Species Act (ESA) came under attack by the Trump
administration. The ESA, enacted in 1973, is generally heralded as a success by
Republicans and Democrats alike. We now enjoy bald eagles around DuPage County
because of it. In October, Kirtland’s warbler exited the endangered species
list, further evidence of ESA’s effectiveness in helping imperiled species
rebound from near-extinction.
Odd news & rare
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This vagrant Lewis’s woodpecker sampled the suet at Ballard Nature Center near Effingham. Photo by Leroy Harrison. |
In Florida, a man raising exotic birds suffered death by cassowary.
Also in the Sunshine State, an ultra-rare yellow cardinal visited a backyard
feeder. A gynandromorphic cardinal—half male and half female—showed up in Erie,
Pennsylvania’s other avian shocker was a snail kite, spotted
in October—the first U.S. sighting of the nonmigratory raptor outside of
Florida, South Carolina or Texas. Where was it seen? In Erie, of course.
In Redding, Calif., a fledgling red-tailed hawk was observed
in a bald eagle nest along with two eaglets, all three being cared for by two
adult eagles. Shockingly, the eagles settled on raising the baby hawk instead
of eating it.
Sadly, in June, a car struck and killed one of the beloved
Mooseheart bald eagles in North Aurora. The surviving adult male assumed
full-time parenting duties.
Woody Goss witnessed a cowbird chick being fed by common
yellowthroats, a male and female—and then by a catbird! It happened at Morton
Arboretum in Lisle.
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A dazzling male painted bunting visited Midewin Tallgrass Prairie in June. The species is typically found in the southeastern U.S. and Texas, where this one was photographed by Jackie Bowman. |
Now let’s turn to the truly remarkable sightings of 2019—the
feathered wonders that local birders went out of their way to see and
In some cases, WAY out their way, such as Effingham County.
That’s where a western beauty, Lewis’s woodpecker, visited feeders at the
Ballard Nature Center in early May. The species was a first record for
Illinois, and a lifer for many who ventured to see it.
On May 9, lucky watchers in Chicago witnessed both Kirtland’s
warbler and western tanager in the same area of Grant Park. The Kirtland’s
stayed for a week, and those who missed the western would have other chances. For
whatever reason, 2019 was a phenomenal year for vagrant western tanagers in the
Great Lakes region.
Jeff Smith discovered a male painted bunting at Midewin
National Tallgrass Prairie in Will County on June 2. The technicolor songbird seldom
strays so far north.
The state’s first-ever limpkin spent the summer and fall on Borah Lake near Olney. Photo by Jim Herkert, Illinois Audubon Society. |
Two other rarities, little stint and ruff, caused a rush to downstate
Fulton County in early August. Even further south, sightings of fulvous
whistling duck tempted birders in August (Jackson County) and September
The first confirmed Illinois record of limpkin, a large wader
rarely spotted outside of Florida in the U.S., occurred near Olney in Richland
County. Birders didn’t hear about it until September, but the bird was first noticed
by local homeowners in June.
A Cassin’s kingbird at Montrose, discovered by Krzysztof
Kurylowicz on September 22, was a new species for the state’s No. 1 hotspot.
On a frigid Halloween, Tamima Itani scoped a king eider paddling
around the Northwestern lagoon. The large sea duck was well seen on subsequent
days in Evanston and Chicago.
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A juvenile king eider, first spotted in Evanston, paddled around Chicago’s Monroe Harbor on November 2. Photo by Michael Ferguson. |
This ancient murrelet, a rare visitor to the Midwest, excited Montrose Point birders in mid-November. Photo by Mike Carroll. |
Suburban goodies
DuPage offered plenty of action, too. A misplaced spotted
towhee located a Warrenville feeder in January, shook off the Polar Vortex, and
lingered until April. Homeowner Kate Hopkins was a generous host, welcoming
birders to view her unusual guest from the West.
Waterfall Glen Forest Preserve in Darien claimed a barnacle goose in February. In July, for the first time in 25 years, ecologists captured, banded and released a pine warbler at the site.
Morton Arboretum extended its reputation as a go-to place
for pileated woodpecker, summer tanager and yellow-throated warbler. Cerulean,
Connecticut, hooded and worm-eating warblers visited the Arb as well.
In May, Elsen’s Hill in Winfield attracted a well-seen
Kentucky warbler, my current nemesis bird. Naturally it departed one day before
I arrived on the scene.
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This spotted towhee was exceptionally loyal to a Warrenville backyard feeder, visiting from January to April. Photo by Mike Carroll. |
Springbrook Prairie steward Joe Suchecki added trumpeter
swan and blue grosbeak to the site list, making 238 species for the Naperville
In September, a Say’s phoebe posed for birders atop the
hawkwatching hill at Greene Valley Forest Preserve in Naperville. Jeff Smith
sounded the alert.
The 14th season of counting migrating raptors at
Greene Valley featured record numbers for bald eagle (112), osprey (79) and
broad-winged hawk (4,993). Other notable flyovers were golden eagle, northern
goshawk, Swainson’s hawk and Mississippi kite. Seven Hudsonian godwits cruised
over on October 23 and, on November 7, three whooping cranes mingled with 8,423
migrating sandhills. The hill is staffed by DuPage Birding Club volunteers from
September through November.
Kane County featured a low-flying swallow-tailed kite in downtown St. Charles, reported by Leslie Yoshitani on April 15. Other Kane goodies in 2019 were cattle egret, prairie warbler, western meadowlark, western tanager, Swainson’s hawk and white-winged scoter. The latter visited Fermilab, which like other venues around the region witnessed an unusually large invasion of American white pelicans in April.
Up in Lake, a perching Mississippi kite was spotted at Perkins
Woods on May 23, a first record for Evanston. A dunlin at Chicago Botanic
Garden was a nice find by Al Stokie, who eight days later saw his first-ever
common gallinule at the site. CBG surrendered a pine warbler in December.
A harlequin duck appeared content in Waukegan Harbor, present
for two weeks and counting in December.
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Common tern by Jeff Reiter. |
Since you asked, my personal favorite sightings of 2019 were
hooded warbler at St. James Farm in Warrenville (likely nesting); black-crowned
night heron along Lake Ellyn in Glen Ellyn; Mississippi kite in Dallas; and,
last month, six scissor-tailed flycatchers in Key Largo, Fla. In the yard, I
was thrilled to spot a red-headed woodpecker for only the second time in 22
Remembering friends
Karen Fisher passed away in March. Along with husband Bob,
she watched over their remarkable bird-filled yard in Downers Grove and traveled
widely for birds, especially in Illinois. Karen also spent hundreds of hours counting
migrating raptors at Greene Valley. Friends honored her memory with donations
to The Wetlands Initiative.
Many of us subscribe to Bird
Watcher’s Digest, a wonderful little magazine published in Marietta, Ohio.
The publication suffered a double tragedy in 2019. Bill Thompson, III, editor,
succumbed to pancreatic cancer at age 57. Two months later, Thompson family matriarch
Elsa, Bill’s mother, died in a house fire. Both were active at the magazine to
the end. Bill received the American Birding Association’s highest honor, the Roger
Tory Peterson Award for Promoting the Cause of Birding, on March 25, just 12
hours before he passed.
Chip notes and
upcoming events
Notable 2019 book releases included Kenn Kaufman’s “A Season
on the Wind,” and Ted Floyd’s “How to Know the Birds.”
The International Crane Foundation, Baraboo, Wis., will reopen on May 2 (“The Crane Event”) following a massive $10.4 million renovation on the 10-acre site.
Congrats to the Evanston North Shore Bird Club on 100 years!
When founded on March 6, 1919, the cost to join was 50 cents.
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Belted kingfisher emerged as a potential University of Illinois mascot. A snappy logo design by student Spencer Hulsey reopened mascot discussions in Urbana-Champaign, where former icon Chief Illiniwek got the boot in 2007.
The first-ever World Swift Day took place on June 7. Members
of Kane County Audubon counted chimney swifts at local roosting sites.
The American Birding Association turned 50 and released an updated “ABA Code of Birding Ethics.” Head to WIRE in Berwyn for ABA’s 2020 Bird of the Year Reveal Party on January 12!

Did you find “Wingspan” under your Christmas tree? The new
board game is popular, and not just with birders.
All are invited to the DuPage Birding Club’s first meeting
of the new decade, on January 9. Texas birder Laura Keene will share stories
from her epic “photographic big year” in 2016. It’s sure to be a fun and
motivating start to a new year of birding adventures, near and far. Details are
online at dupagebirding.org.
Copyright 2020 by Jeff Reiter. All rights reserved.