Northern Cardinal |
Published 3-10-20
In my last column I made a pretty safe prediction: A bird
will surprise you 2020. Already this happened to me, the day after Valentine’s
I had just entered my car outside the YMCA in Glen Ellyn, about
9 a.m. At that moment, a large dark bird in the distance caught my eye. It was
flying low, partially obscured by the trees north of the building. My backseat
binoculars confirmed it: an adult bald eagle!
I’d never seen an eagle in Glen Ellyn, my home for almost 23
years. The experience gave me hope of someday spotting one from my yard.
Unfortunately, hope is about all I’ve had in the backyard
this winter. Feeder activity is super slow, with dark-eyed juncos the most
reliable customers. Variety is down only slightly, but the volume of birds is
disturbingly low. I long for a good old-fashioned feeding frenzy.
It’s not just me. I contacted Wild Birds Unlimited in Lisle.
“It’s been kind of strange,” said store owner Brian Neiman.
“The majority of customers are reporting fewer birds so far this winter, while
the remainder are reporting average to above average activity.”
Seed tonnage at WBU is somewhat below last year. Neiman said
the relatively mild winter and infrequent snowfall makes foraging easier;
natural food sources are more available.
A few birders told me they see lots of birds one day and
none the next—a frustrating pattern of inconsistency.
Personally, my biggest disappointment is the absence of red-breasted
nuthatch—my favorite backyard bird and the main reason I hang a peanut feeder.
The cone crop in the boreal forest is reportedly strong, so the species hasn’t wandered
south in search of food.
Dark-Eyed Junco by Jackie Bowman |
A range of factors can explain “no-bird syndrome” in the
backyard. Weather, time of year, feeder placement and seed freshness, for
example. Predators, too—a persistent Cooper’s hawk or prowling house cat will
quiet things down in a hurry.
But this winter, with the apparent widespread shortage of
birds, something else must be going on. I did some searching online.
“Unless there has been a significant change in the immediate
area of a feeder, or in the local habitat, the answer will usually be explained
by population dynamics,” according to the Mass Audubon site. “Populations of
all songbirds are subject to natural fluctuations from year to year.”
So the good news, besides the easy winter, is that we are probably
doing nothing wrong. Birds are most likely not flocking to fine-dining feeders and
5-star heated bird baths with towel service just down the street. There may
simply be fewer birds in the region. And those present, like Neiman said, are
less reliant on our handouts.
I see my feeders as half full, not half empty. But it’s hard
to be positive when the view from my kitchen window shows seed levels virtually
unchanged from the day before.
You might guess where I’m going with this. The feeder slowdown
this winter—at least in my yard—follows the recent release of that bombshell
report in the journal Science.
Bird populations are crashing. Analysis of more than 50
years of data showed a 29 percent drop in total bird numbers in the U.S. and
Canada since 1970—a staggering loss of 3 billion birds. Visit
for details, along with things we can do to help.
Ecologist and bird bander Julie Craves writes the popular
“Since You Asked” column for BirdWatching. In the magazine’s current issue,
she said readers in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania wrote to ask why
their feeders are deserted.
While acknowledging that many bird species are declining,
Craves cautioned “against drawing any conclusions about general population status
from hyper-local observations.”
She’s right, of course. What we’re seeing or not seeing in
our backyards should not be directly connected with the “3 billion birds”
report. It’s not that simple.
It’s obviously concerning, however, that some species we’ve
always regarded as common are gradually fading away. Among them: blue jay, Baltimore
oriole, dark-eyed junco, rose-breasted grosbeak and white-throated sparrow.
I'm not in a panic state, not yet, but I'm sure looking at birds a little differently these days. Every one that comes around seems more like a gift.